Our helping hands
Dawn moon Tarot
To Book an appointment
Walk in: 10 minutes
Scheduled: 30 min/40 min/1 hour
Dawn is available Wed-Sat 11 am - 3 pm
I have been reading Tarot professionally since 2018. I am an intuitive Tarot reader, focusing on spiritual healing and personal empowerment. I use the energies of meditation, crystals, and channeling during my Tarot readings to give my clients the very best experience possible. My readings help clients to gain overall clarity and wisdom in personal areas such as health, career, love, and spirituality. My passion is empowering my clients to move through life’s challenges with confidence and with a strong sense of self-worth.
Energy balancing
By: Payge Hodapp
Call us for more details: 517-424-2903
As an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, I work with 9 energy systems in the body ( Meridians, Chakras, Aura, Basic Grid, Celtic Weave, Five Rhythms, Triple Warmer, Radiant Circuits and the Electrics) to balance these energies for well-being. Supports for the process may include crystals, essential oils, sound vibrations and/or flower essences.
In the process of balancing energies, clients enjoy the relaxing and energizing effects of the session, learn self-care techniques, experience muscle response testing and move forward with goals.
Getting Better with Eden Energy Medicine
"Energy medicine brings you vitality when you are drained, health when you are ill and joy when you are down."
-Donna Eden
Wholistic Connection
By: Annette Schilz
Offering these energetic services:
Chakra/Aura Photography
Reiki/Holy Fire 1
Energetic Gemstone/Crystal Jewelry
iTeraCare TeraHertz Frequency Wand
Chakra Balancing/Tensor Rings
Bio Magnetic Pad Sessions
Tensor Ring Chakra Cleansing &
Frequency Cleansing
Annette Schilz
Reiki Master/Holy Fire 1
Crystal Healing Practioner
Chakra/Aura Healing Practioner
Spiriual Protection Practioner
Benefits of Reiki
Reiki or Energy medicine aims to help the flow of energy & dissolve energy blocks. Improving the flow of energy around the body & Chakras can enable relaxation, relieve pain, stimulate the body's ammune system, speed healing. & reduce other symptoms of illness or disease.